Jumaat, 22 Ogos 2008

50th Anniversary Gala Dinner

salam pembuka bicara..salam pembuka bicara

Today I got invitatn card from FFPAM to go to their 50th anniversary gala dinner kt sunway resort hotel n spa on 23th august 2008..mcm bes. Gpn,fwe plk 2..erm,,chenta nk peg tp nk blk umah.nk wat keputusan yg mne erk..sadis yer la wat keputusn ni..nk peg due2 je rse tp spe plk nk anta g sne klo chenta dr umah..kne pk byk kali ni..dlm kad ni ad ckp “a tribute to partners and volunteers and the official launch of family health foundation Malaysia” erm..chenta volunteer kn???so,no wonder la chenta dpt invitatn card ni. Nk peg ato x, 2 keputusn chenta..nobody cn mad on me rite? Npe xnk confem kn btoi2 b4 send nme kn?

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