Catatan Popular
Ahad, 21 Disember 2008
Selasa, 16 Disember 2008
chenta ad trime 1 pesanan dr kwn chenta n chenta rase ape yang diberitahu 2 sgt b'gune tuk kita semua..lagipun, chenta rase sumber itu boleh dipercayai sbb kebetulan kwn chenta tu medic student. die bgtau chenta senarai ubat dari sumber babi yang ade kt pasaran sekarang.
kata-kata chomey: sebarkan unuk kebaikan orang lain
Rabu, 26 November 2008
mencari cinta?
disediakan oleh salwana ahmad
Kalau dah dapat yang rasa macam ok jer tu.. rembat je cepat..
Kalu tak cukup duit nak buat kahwin, jangan risau, boleh gi website
Insyallah, dapat membantu.
kata-kata comel:guy,nk kawen nt jgn lpe jemput k!!lagi2 safy..ngeh~~
long journey
perjalanan yang pjg demi sg.besi n sg.lereh...erk, due2 sungai..penat, letih, tired sume ad.. 2 la ade umah dekt nk jugk blk, perjlnn ari ni b'mula dr tnjg malim menuju ke upm K17 n besok bersmbg ke sg.besi dan selepas itu ke sg.lereh jumaat nt..4 exprience, ok la..july ri2 dh g sg.lereh tuk SRH day. (SRH= sexual reproductv health) n kali ni program tuk world AIDS day plak.. lpe nk inform, job ini adalh untk yg b'gelr peer educator yg disahkan oleh SIRIM sahaja..memandangkan sblm b'tolk x g servis, so, besok kne servis segala yg perlu diservis.. ngeh~~chenta rse nk pengsan tp kenape safy n shafa bole layan gokusen 3 mlm2 ni...lyn la korang sbb ak dh lme katam sume series gokusen 2..untuk taq, sowi la wireless sangkut la mlm ni..xdpt nk send sume minit mesyuarat n laporan program ri 2.. later la bru emelkn ok..untuk gee jugk, proposal g bangkok n bogor dh siap tp xemel kn lg...papehal ko edit ok!!!ayat ko lg power dr ak r8?..ak tetp nk teruskn progrm yg kt bogor 2, ak cm confius sket sbb memg ad yg dr. amin ckp cume die under fakultas perternakan n mahidol uni pn kne specific gk.ak suggest g instt of nutrition n faculty of public health, ok x??kt instt of nutrition, kte fokus kt prototype factory gn clinical research unit.lalalala
kata-kata comel: jewel in the palace xbeh lg.besok nk lyn supernatural sessn 3 klo blk dr sg.besi awl..ngeh~
Isnin, 10 November 2008
raya fiesta
salam pembuka bicara..salam pembuka bicara..
raye? erk, dh lme dh beh, raye nape bru sekarang erk nk tulis.. erm,nk wat cmne.. owang gune tenet yg disediakan, terpaksa la terima samada boleh gune atau x? hiks.. ari 2 kolej kediaman chenta ad wat jamuan raye.. so, ari ni bru dpt upload gmbo yang chenta dan kengkawan abadi kan..
Ahad, 9 November 2008
travel:sg. gabai
kamis ri 2, laz paper final,,tuk melepaskan segala ke'tensen'an chenta selama hampir sebulan exam, chenta n kengkawan pegi bermandi-manda di sg. gabai.. actually, memang dh jad kebiasaan, habis je exam nk g mandi sungai..mcm sem2 sebelum ni..mandi kt ulu yam gn sg. tekala..kali ni tukar angin sket.. kami ke gabai beramai-ramai.. klo sebelum ni pegi 1 krete tapi kali ni pegi gn 5 krete.. hebat x kami.. take a look!!
Ahad, 2 November 2008
perodua Myvi SE
The new updated Perodua Myvi SE has been launched in the Malaysian market on the 10th of October 2008, so let’s have a look through what’s new with this Special Edition model compared to the recently unveiled Perodua Myvi facelift.
The Perodua Myvi SE is essentially an easy way to accessorize your Perodua Myvi with all the costs of making it look different from the run of the mill Myvi factored into the hire purchase loan for you and installed straight from the factory.
A short recap on the specifications:
Ø New sporty gear bumper
Ø Combination lamp: smoke clear rear combination lamp
Ø Wide rear spoiler
Ø Side skirts
Ø New sports rims
Ø Headlamp with black painted finishing
Ø Alloy rims with new surface treatment.
Ø New stylish grille, hood and front bumper with fog lamp design.
Ø New 2-DIN audio system with CD player (MP3/WMA), USB n Bluetooth.
Ø Newly designed red coloured optitron meter panel
Ø Leather-wrapped steering wheel
Ø New leather seat design
Ø Silver trim for center console
Ø Extendable seats n spacious luggage boot for storing large item
Ø Set at d back of the front passenger’s seat. Keeps purchases upright n spill-free
Ø UV protection glass provide lower UV transmittance n helps to protect passengers from harmful UV rays
Ø Small turning radius of 4.7m for easy maneuverability especially in the city n convenient when driving on narrow roads n parking in tight spaces.
Ø Dual SRS airbags to protect the driver n front passenger from impact against d steering wheel n dashboard during collisions
The Perodua Myvi SE’s new bodykit is reminiscent of the Toyota TRD bodykit for the Passo and Boon, however Perodua has made some modifications to the rear bumper, making it more complex with a diffuser-like design instead of the TRD’s smooth design. I’m thinking that area would look good painted black or dark gray. Waiting list won’t be too long as Perodua has stocked up 1,000 of the new special edition Myvi SE cars prior to the launch. Perodua targets 1,200 units a month for the Perodua Myvi SE.
Interestingly the cute yellow Myvi that we saw in the spyshots is missing from the line-up of both the standard facelifted Myvi and this new Myvi SE. You do get one new colour - Tangerine Orange. Other colour options for the SE include Ivory White, Ebony Black, Glittering Siver or Pearl White. Pearl White is designated a “special metallic” colour that costs more than your normal metallic.
Basically that’s it - the enhancements are all aesthetics. The engine is still the same 1.3 liter unit producing 86 horsepower at 6,000rpm and 116Nm of torque at 3,200rpm, and the brakes are still discs at the front and drums at the rear.
The following are the prices for the new Perodua Myvi SE:
Perodua Myvi SE 1.3 GHS Manual (solid) - RM48,932
Perodua Myvi SE 1.3 GHS Manual (metallic) - RM49,455
Perodua Myvi SE 1.3 ZHS Auto (solid) - RM51,812
Perodua Myvi SE 1.3 ZHS Auto (metallic) - RM52,346
lepas geram episod 2
ari ni chenta memang panas sangat, tersangat panas... dari pukul 8.47 am, chenta cuba online. chenta bukak friendster xdapat, chenta sign in blog pun x dapat. memang bikin panas.. yang chenta dapat hanyalah membaca blog kawan-kawan chenta.. jam menandakan kini sudah 10.12 am.. ish, tak boleh jadi nih. kena pegi bilik hajar, dapatkan wireless ni.. chenta nak dapatkan list name tuk series english sbb chenta nk g beli. Urgent.. sebab real player chenta dah x dapat nak download crite dah. Apa yang chenta nak wat sebagai penglipur lara di masa sepi cuti nanti. ish,bajet cam bagus sangat gune uspot. lagi menyeksa batin ade la.. hampeh. ni yang memang nak gi wat report nih. dah tu, mule-mule dulu kata youtube boleh bukak tapi skang dah xbole bukak dah. chenta nak tengok ending cerita solehah, xdapat. sobsob.. sudah lama chenta bersabar dan kini kesabaran di tahap kemuncak. gunung berapi merapi pun boleh meletus same. nasib chenta ade paper food safety isnin ni. kalau x, memag chenta dah pegi astaka nak sound orang dah. sepatutnya memudahkan student tapi........ chenta malas nak explain memanjang. takot kena sue..ngeh~~~
kata-kata chomey: lain kali pakai maxis broadband je la..
Khamis, 30 Oktober 2008
old issue...ok la...
i jz wan 2 share sumthing dat i got from my dear fren, edna bout melamine..cuti xda exam ari 2, chenta blek umah n xtaw la plak mak chenta ni terlalu concern tentang melamine issue nih.. slame ni chenta xda amek taw sgt.. tp memandang kan mak chenta tersayang ni terlalu concern chenta pn jd takot.. sampai kn nk beli coklat pn kne tengok buatan mane.. nk makan ape pn kne pilih.. so, hv a look.. ngeh~~
China milk poisoning incidents make everyone afraid to look at the daily news report. Everyday, the reports are changing. No one can clearly tell us what to eat and not to eat.
1. What really is poisoned milk?
It is the milk powder mixed with "MELAMINE"
2. What is Melamine use for?
It is an industrial chemical use in the production of melawares.
It is also used in home decoration. "US resistant board"
3. Why is Melamine added in milk powder?
The most important nutrient in milk is protein. And Melamine has the same protein that contains "nitrogen"
Adding Melamine in milk reduces milk content and it is cheaper then milk so it lowers capitalization.
It can give the business man more profit! It doesn't have any smell, so cannot be detected.
4. when was it discovered?
Year 2007!! US cats and dogs died suddenly, they found that pet food from China contains Melamine. Starting 2008, In China , an abnormal increase in infant cases of kidney stones.
August 2008 China Sanlu Milk Powder tested with Melamine. Sept. 2008 - New Zealand gov't ask China to check this problem. Sept. 21, 2008 - Lots of food products in Taiwan tested with Melamine
5. What happens when Melamine is digested?
Melamine remains inside the kidney. It forms into stones blocking the tubes. Pain will be eminent and person cannot urinate. Kidney will then swell.
Although surgery can remove the stones, but it will cause irreversible kidney damage. It can lead to loss of kidney function and will require kidney dialysis or lead to death because of uremia.
6. What is dialysis?
In fact, it should be called "blood washing". It is filtering all of the body's blood into a machine and then go back to the body.
The whole process takes 4 hours and it is necessary to dialysis once for every 3 days for the rest of your life.
A small hole is required in the arm to insert the sub-dialysis catheter.
7. Why is it more serious in babies?
Because the kidney is very small and they drink a lot of milk powder. China currenty has 13,000 infants hospitalized
It does not matter how much a human being took Melamine. The important point is "It cannot be EATEN!"
8. What are the foods to be avoided?
Foods that contain dairy products should be avoided. Remember: Foods with creamer or milk should be avoided.
9. which companies are accepted?
Hereunder are the companies affected with Melamine.
10.What do we do next?
Avoid the above foods for at least six months.
If you have snack bar, restaurant or coffee shops, Stop selling dairy products for the meantime.
If you have infants at home, change to mother's milk or find other substitutes.
Finally, share this information with friends so they will understand the risk of milk poisoning.
Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008
sony ericsson W350i vs W580i
Erk, chenta rase tercabar gan abang amy. Ade ke patot die suruh chenta tukar hp len. “Tu r sombong lagi dengan ira. Mak dah suh dating umah raye ari 2 xnak dating. Meh ira gitau abang satu rahsia. Ira dah beli hp baru la bulan 6 ri tu. Abang tu yang patot tukar hp baru. Ira rase hp abg yang problem.” Ambik ko geram chenta, nasib orang yer xda depan mata. By the way, tiba-tiba chenta teringat plak. Sebenarnya hp idaman chenta bukan hp yang chenta pakai sekarang ni. So, chenta nak compare antara hp idaman chenta, SE W580i dengan hp yang chenta gne sekarang ni,W350i.
W580i ni berat die 94.0 gram. Ade 6 jenis warna: style white, boulevard black, urban grey, metro pink, jungle green and velvet red. Skrin die plak bersaiz 240 x320 pixel dengan 262 144- colour TFT, phone memory die xda la besar sangat just 12 MB dan menggunakan Memory stick Micro (M2). Die support memory up to 4 GB. Camera die 2.0 megapixel dengan digital zoom up to 4x. boleh picture blogging n video record. The most important 1 is music specificity hp ni. Die boleh Bluetooth stereo (A2DP), ada megabass, music tones, PlayNow dan track ID. The special about this model is shake control. Klo nak tukar lagu lain, just shake the phone.
Walaupun, hp yang chenta guna sekarang ini mempunyai saiz screen yang lebih kecil tapi chenta tetap berpuas hati sebab dia lagi ringan dari yang chenta idam Almaklum, x ada benda yang perfect kn2?
kata-kata chomey : SE da kuar model phone baru, usha kat website die je la..
Isnin, 13 Oktober 2008
21th is coming..
salam aidilfitri..
hari ni msk hari ke13 kte beraye..n hari ni jugak adalah besday chenta..argh,,upe yer ak dh 21 ker.chenta sgt b'syukur kerana diberi peluang utk m'ymbut hari lahir yg ke21..didnt knoe wat wil happen 4 rest of my life but hopefully, it full wit enjoyment n nothing regretless..ngeh~~owg kte,,21 ni ble dpt independent key..but bg chenta slagi chenta blom dimiliki oleh sesiapa, maka d independent key x ada klo dimiliki 2, adakah itu makna yer chenta btoi2 independent?? myb it was right dr segi mengundi tp xbtoi tuk tanggungjwb yg ad.. sbb walaupun sudh dimiliki org, i mean s a wife, chenta kne itot ckp suami. ngeh~~berangan nk kawen.huhu....x salah kn chenta dh 21 maaa....
mlm td chenta m'nunggu seseorg tuk kali yg t'akhir..n mlm td jugk chenta m'beri peluang kehadiran die dlm hidup ni tuk kali terakhir.memandangkan die xcari pn chenta, maka die xkan ada dlm hidup chenta buat selama-lamanya. ada jugk owg ckp, nape la nk tunggu die. tah2 die dh bahagia n tah2 jugk die dh xda..bukn m'doakan tp itu adalh andaian setelah 3 thn kami b'pisah..erk, b'pisah??sedih yer buyi..chenta yakin klo suatu hari nt chenta b'jmpe dgn my soulmate, chenta akan lupe kn die. iye,,xtipu??
women is talkative?? btoi ker..nape ea owg slalo pk cm2..n i gues, sebenar yer perempuan ni xtalkative pn. kami ni nmpk cm byk ckp sbb setiap kali b'bicara tentang topik yg kami suka atau topik yg selalu menarik perhatian, masing2 x sabar2 nk keluarkan pendapat sendiri. tp kenapa plk, lelaki dikatakan xbyk ckp..cube klo bg lelaki bercakp tentg bola, kereta atau motor ke.rse yer dorg lg byk ckp dr perempuan. n chenta jugak tidak menidakkan ad 1 research yg m'nyatakan perempuan berckp lebih beribu perkataan dr lelaki sbb bile perempuan bercakap masing2 nk m'geluarkan pendapat sendiri. mcm xsabar2 la plk..ngeh~~ tp chenta pernh t'bace dlm 1 artikel, klo lelaki b'ckp, dorg akn tunggu turn masing2...habis jer sorang ckp, bru sorg lg sambung.. sbb bg dorg adalah xsopan klo xtunggu org lain habis berckp.. so,,kre yer di mate lelaki cara perempuan b'borak ni xsopan la.. aik, btoi ke??ini bukn kenyataan dr chenta kenyataan dr artikel 2..ei,,xnk gaku la plk..
apa pun bg chenta, setiap owg mempunyai pandangan yg t'sendiri dr segi sape yg lbh byk ckp..pada chenta, kami xtalkative. sbb ape? sbb itu la cara kami berborak..n kadang2 sbb cara ni la yg buat,,semua orang rse die nk menang..lalalala. fight 4 ur right.yeah..
women n career??on dis issue chenta rse yer skang ni ramai perepuan yg ckp, 'ak bole hidup tanpa lelaki sbb ak dh memiliki segala2 yer..' ya,segala2 yer..klo cm2,,chenta rse rmi jugk lelaki yg m'punyai segala2 yer..n klo boleh dikatakan, dorang pn bole ckp ak bole hidup tanpa perempuan right. bagi chenta,,walaupun chenta dah memiliki segala-galanya, chenta tetap rase adalah kewajipan utk memiliki seorang lelaki dalam hidup ni. kenapa?? sebab chenta mungkin merasa mewah dr segala harta benda tp belom tentu chenta merasa security 2 ad dlm hidup chenta. buktinya, weekend yg lepas chenta beraye ke megat di gombak. kami pergi dengan 2 biji kereta n 1 motosikal yg mane 1 kereta perempuan n 1 lg kereta lelaki tym perjalann pergi. seronok sbb ktorg boleh memekak n menyanyi dalam kereta. yela x ad owg lelaki nk m'negur..hiks. tp kami semua rase xselamat sbb perjlnn ke rumah megat 2, jln die b'bukit2 n traffic jam yg t'amat la teruk sgt. kereta 2 kali mati kt tengh jln n setiap kali kt bukit, kereta sgt slow.. dh la kami pinjm kereta kawan, klo pape jd xtaw la nk ckp..memg cuak la..lgpn,,ktorg sume selalu xlepas ble nk naik bukit.ngeh~~
bila nak balik, kami mintk guy yg tolong bwk. at last, mursyid la yg bwk kereta 2. ok je, die bwk..xda pape prob pn..n yg plg menarik perhatian chenta, kereta yg ktorg naik 2 cm da prob sket, so, die lambt nk pick up..kt ats bukit jugk, kereta 2 cm mati enjin. tp dengan steady yer, mursyid tarik hand brek n mule kn perjlnn mcm bese. sikit pn xmengelabah. waktu ni memg chenta rase utk melengkapkan lg kehidupan sebenar yer perempuan n lelaki ni memang saling memerlukan. dlm hal cm ni,,memg chenta salute la kt owg laki. lalalala... bukti nape lelaki perlukn perempuan?? chenta xbrani nk ckp panjg lebar sbb chenta bukn lelaki n chenta xtaw ape yg lelaki rase. tp hakikat yer memg byk dlm kehidupan kte dpt lihat ramai lelaki yg dh b'kahwin nk kawen lg n lelaki yg kehilangan isteri pn nk b'khwin lg..mungkin sbb lelaki xberapa pandai tuk independent n segala makan n pakai perlu disediakan. exception tuk lelaki yg pernah merasa hidup sendiri la..hiks
kata-kata comel : chenta nk tggu kek besday dr mak n ayah. celebr8 besday gn amar, my bro.ngeh~~
Ahad, 12 Oktober 2008
buat chenta berfikir sejenak..
- Based on mutual co-operation.
- Free from “Riba” (interest), uncertainty and gambling.
- Investment comply with Shariah.
- Full isolation between the Takaful Fund and shareholders’ funds.
- Any surplus in the Takaful Fund will be shared by the Participants.
- Is a risk sharing tool across the Takaful Fund.
Conventional Insurance
- Based solely on commercial factors (a type of business).
- Includes elements of interest, uncertainty and gambling.
- No religious guidance.
- Premium paid by policyholder is considered as income to the company.
- All surpluses will accrue to the shareholders only.
- Is a risk shifting tool.
juz find out this..
Selasa, 7 Oktober 2008
rindu itu
salam aidilfitri..
aidilfitri datang lg..tetiba chenta teringat sangat pada seorang kawan yang dh kembali ke rahmatullah disebabkan luekimia. antara perkara yang paling2 chenta t'kilan sangat dalam hidup ni sbb chenta xsempat nk tgk die, chenta xsempat nk melawat die walaupun mak dan ayah dah pesan banyak kali pada chenta. dia la kawan pertama chenta dlm hidup ni. chenta rindukan die..dan antara perkara lain yang plg chenta kesali adalah chenta orang yg terakhir sekali yg tau arwah moyang perempuan chenta kembali ke rahmatullah waktu 2 chenta baru form 4. chenta tau yang moyang dh takda pada keesokkan harinya. waktu 2 chenta tinggal kt asrama..dua2 kehilangan insan ni memberi makna yang sgt mendalam hidup chenta. kadang2 rase rindu yg teramat sgt..
Khamis, 25 September 2008
perosak ekosistem
salam ramadhan..
salam menyambut aidilfitri..
pejam celik,,pejam celik dh 25 ari kte b',, tinggal bape ari je nk raye..but i dun fel anything. its juz nothing.. bak kte dr. nasir, xpayah beraya tp stadi tuk final..xpatot btoi..besok ramai la mahkluk kt kolej 17 mem'berambus'kan diri dan pulang ke tempat asal masing2.. tapi chenta masih lagi menjadi penunggu setia di kolej ni smpi ari isnin...bukan xnk blk awl,, tp ad sesuatu yang lebih penting untk dilakukan malam ahad nanti.. he=p. semestinya proses mengegarkan ekosistem kt malaysia nih. melupuskan pelbagai species yang mencari tempat untuk meneruskan kendiri..lalalala
tp guys jgn riso sbb chenta tidak keseorangan melakukan kencaman ekosistem tuh.. chenta akan bersama-sama beberapa kawan chenta. so, chenta xda la keseorangan jika dituduh bersalah nanti..hahaha.. actually, ahad nih chenta ada gathering kt Chicken Hurtz Buffet atau lebih senang dikenali sebagai Hartz. at 1st,,gathering 2 nk wat kt Restoran Nelayan Titiwangsa tp memandangkan terdapat beberapa sebab dan munasabab yang boleh diterima pakai maka kami telah mengubah hala tujuan masing-masing ke Hartz. sebelum itu,,ada beberapa langkah yang sangat meletihkan telah dirempuhi oleh kami sebelum menemui jalan buntu di Hartz.
Maka, ahad nanti segala species yang akan menjadi kencaman kami perlu lah bersiap sedia dan melengkapkan diri dengan segala keperluan yang diperlukan. time 2 chenta nk makan puas2.. tapi sebelum chenta meneruskan agenda 2, ada la pulak seorang hamba Allah nih menembak dengan peluru yang tak melekat pada organ yang paling penting dalam badan chenta nih. ade ke patot membantutkan niat chenta untuk merosakkan ekosistem ni dengan menggunakan status chenta sebagai nutritionist yang blom sempt lagi diiktirafkan oleh SIRIM. arghh...tidakk.. walaupun, secara kasarnya tidak kelihatan tetapi t'lalu menusuk kalbu. maka, chenta membalas dengan berpegang pada prinsip variety and moderate healthy eating... yaaa...kite boleh makan banyak mane pun asalkan ia mempunyai kepelbagaian dalam pemilihan makanan dan juga mengambil dalam kuantiti yang berpatutan dan yang paling penting sekali, ia adalah menyihatkan... yup,,menyihatkan badan chenta ni, meningkatkan ketinggian diri supaya tidak dipandang enteng oleh masyarakat terutama sekali bagi masyarakat-masyarakat yang merasakannya dirinya lebih tinggi dari chenta. Abang din terutamanya yang acap kali memanggil chenta dengan panggilan yang menyakitkan ati.. ini kecik bukan sebarang kecik taw.. untuk menghabiskan perbalahan mengenai status chenta yang tak sempat diiktirafkan itu, akhirnya,, chenta telah mengupah seorang peguam yang tidak bertauliah bersama-sama membantu dalam kemenangan chenta kali itu. yesh,,,akhirnya, mereka mengalah. dan chenta berjaya menyaman mereka.
kata-kata comel : makan secara berpada-pada di hari raya nanti. Salam aidilfitri.
Khamis, 18 September 2008
at last
almost 2 wek chenta menderita kerana hari2 yg dipenuhi exam, maka ari ini chenta t'sgt la gumbira disebabkan tinggal 1 je lg paper. hahaha.. tp, mlm nih chenta kena siapkan asgnment mggu leps.. asgment yg chenta pegi wat inspection kt kedai mkn ari2 .. satu slide pn chenta xsiapkan lg..adoii..besok nk 'present' plak 2..kne goreng r malam nih..
tp yg penting, tinggal 1 exam je.. haha.. paper nih chenta kantoi abes r.. i'll try my bez.. jia yu..
kata-kata comel : lain kali be ready, stadi awal2
Rabu, 17 September 2008
upin & ipin
ari tuh chenta dah jnji nk upload crite upin & ipin tuk ramadhan kali ni kn?! memandangkan episod crite xbeh lg, so, chenta msk kn smpi yg dh di tayg kt tv la yer..take a look..
upin & ipin (episod 8)
upin & ipin (episod 9)
upin & ipin (episod 10)
upin & ipin (episod 11)
upin & ipin (episod 12)
episod : lepas geram
salam ramadhan..
msk mggu ni dh 2 mggu b'turut2 chenta da exm..tggl lg 2 paper je.. hard paper plk 2.. "dhiera, jia yu"..bayek2,, i'll try my bez..but now,,chenta da 200pages lg nk abes kn buku nih..argh..cept la.. tibe2 chenta t'igt tym mule2 bukk sem ni..chenta cm depress sket..waktu 2 chenta rse cm nk quit je..sbb chenta xdpt nk tanggung keje+asgment yg t'amat la alhamdullillah, akhirnya chenta dpt harungi ye dgn sempurna b'sama2 kekuatan yg ad dlm diri nih..
suddenly t'igt kt research suzanne kobasa tentg stress di kalangan summarize, die ckp stress 2 sebenarnya akan m'bantu supaya seseorang itu m'ningkatkan produktiviti die dlm melakukan keje.. tapi bile t'lampau byk sgt stress yg diletakkan akn ade yg xdpt nk cop all d stress. therefore, their prodctivity will going down. there are some people who getting sick becz of dat stress..agknya ayh chenta pn cm2 jugk kot..he is asst. manager b4. sebelum die m'ltkkan jwtn s asst. manager, die slalo kne gout..ada one time 2, mak siap kne papah ayh tuk pegi kinik..chenta pn xtaw cte 2,klo mak xcte..sbb wktu 2, chenta dok asrama..
btw,chenta epi la sgt bile dgr rmi mbe2 dh jmpe soulmate..t'msk la abang lang chenta a.k.a my uncle a.k.a kwn chenta..die la pak cik chenta, die la jugk kwn chenta..kami sebenarnya sebaya..lalala..waktu kecik2 dl tym mak stil keje gn petronas, chenta tinggl gn family dorg. seng kate, chenta dijaga oleh nenek usu chenta. tp tuk jgka mase yg pendek je..mak ckp ape yg chenta mkn, itu la yg abg lang mkn..2 la sbb ape2 hal chenta slalo kne inform gn nenek usu. nenek slalo lyn chenta cm ank die sbb die xda ank pompan..bez~~even ktorg dh beso skalipn, ktorg stil satu sekola, satu kelas n satu asrm..
eh,,chenta dh melalut nih..actlly, chenta nk gtau yg die dh jmpe soulmate die..hujung thn nih, dorg akn b'tung..bakal makcik chenta nih bole thn gk chenta xtaw nme die..abg lang xnk gtau..xpe2,,satu ari nt chenta akn tau jugk. dat girl keje s guru sekola..wah,, msti p'yabar..abg lang ckp klo chenta yg jd cikgu msti ank murid sume lari. die kte chenta ni xpndi m'gajar..tgk la suatu hari nt,chenta tunjk k'hebtn chenta.. tym 2,,jgn,,guy n girl yg mne m'genali cukik nih, die jemput datg kt umah.. btw,,our mjlis b'buke pose 28sept nih, die xdpt join sbb ad keje kt johor..nk raye pn keje lg ker???naseb la labu,,dlm byk2 keje nk jd polis jugk..salute spring la..
ps tuk abg lang: "abg lang, nt cri kn la sorg calon tuk tuan hamba juga..smpi ati,,nk tung xnk tggu owg...kawen nt lmbt2 sket..tggu la owg..sobsob..abg lang,,klo ad manusia b'nama lelaki yg mahu kn tuan hamba, abg lang suh je dorg jmpe mak n ayh taw.. klo mak ayh stuju, owg ok je tp bg la owg kenl die dl..lalala...gpn, abg lang tau kn zaman silam owg.. i'm trying to forget him. a lots of memories..owg gn die bkn kejp taw almost 3 years...but then,,owg dh break up gn die 3 years jgk...hahaha"
ultimately, selamat b',,korg2 ( ex-star, ex-aysk ) jom r gegar kn umah uncle chenta ni..
Selasa, 16 September 2008
salam ramadhan..
kte ad 14 ari lg tuk melengkapkan ramadhan kali, diharap kalian dapat meneruskannya sehingga abes.he=p..
seronok kan crite upin & ipin 2..comel sgt budk berdua 2..lalala..ari sabtu leps, chenta b'buke pose di anjung taw..smbl 2 chenta cube m'yiapkan asgment yg dr.rokiah bg tuk food safety..kali ni,,chenta kne pegi wat inspection kt mana2 kedai mkn di chenta n coursemate yg lain di larg sma skali tuk peg tmpt2 cm fast food or seng kte yg mne name yer francais kami di larang sama skali.
so, chentawat la inspectn kt kedai yg chenta n kwn2 chenta mkn td sebelum 2, kene la mintak kebenaran owner or pengurus kt kedai 2. naseb ktorg memg baik sbb tym ktorg peg 2, owner 2 ad. nk xnk ktorg mtk la permission dl..igt sush nk dpt permission cm coursemate chenta yg len crite tp upe yer seng sgt..
mak ai,,xbole blah la..dr luo, kedai 2 memg nmpk sempurna sbb design dlmn die more better than kedai kebykkn.. mule2 2 chenta memg mls nk b'jln ke dapur sbb chenta jz wat part kebersihan lntai n siling, kekemasan kedai n pencegahan lalat, tikus n chenta kesian plk tgk mbe2 len, so chenta pn tolg la jugk..lgpn,,ktorg 1 grup kn.why not?!nseb baik la chenta dh makan dl taw. klo x, msti chenta xnk mkn dh. chenta rse nk munth gile tym nseb la itu hnyalah perasaan semata2..
bile pk blk, pekerja kedai 2 mst xdpt nk kems abes sbb tym chenta n kwn2 wat inspectn hampir pkol 9. kn owg bru lps bukk pose. dorg pn msti klam kabut 1 chenta rse cm xbes, dorg puye aym, sayur2 n etc sume yer t'dedh...nt klo ad owg yg kne foodborne poisong sbb kedai 2 kn merosakkan reputasi kedai 2 jugk nt.
kesimpulan yer,,klo pn kedai 2 nmpk cm bez, kte xbole nk expect yg kedai 2 memg d bez.lalala..
Khamis, 11 September 2008
salam ramadhan..
salam ramadhan untuk semua..ari nie, ari ke11 kte b'pose..n bg chenta plk, ari yg ke 5 chenta pose..nmpk yer, thn ni chenta kne gnti pose tuk 6 ari la..insya4JJ1..
smlm chenta duduk2 smbl stadi kt blk mmbe. ps2 chenta t'on9 plk..chenta download cte favourite chenta tym bln pose ni..memg chenta xnk miss satu episod,,hopefully kalian sume pn jgn la lpe tgk cte ni taw..kol 7, tv9..cte upin & sowg kwn chenta ni ckp tye kt chenta, "npe la tgk cte bdk2 ni. tgk la cte len..". tp chenta ckp kt die, "cte ni bez sgt. even katon tp cte die bole wat ak hepi sgt. comel tgk bdk2 ni.."
btol, kalian xnk caye ker? kalian tgk r cte ni taw.chenta upload dr episod 1 puye..episod 1 ni thn lps puye cte tp xpe..tgk je..hav fun!!
upin & ipin (episod 2)
upin & ipin (episod 3)
upin & ipin (episod 4)
upin & ipin (episod 5)
Selasa, 2 September 2008
2nd day pose..
salam ramadhan
ri ni rmi sket yg bukk chenta stil lg kecik ati psl ri bazar rermi,skali 2 ujan..xsyiok btoi..bsh la kuyup chenta nih.dh la xbwk payung..nk xnk,chenta bli la jugk payung td..chenta invest rm9 taw tuk payung 2..ri2 chenta bli payung kt psr mlm,bru rm5..memg msk r..besk n lusa chenta kne save sket chenta b'baloi lg bukk pose rini dr smlm..lalalala
1st day pose
salam ramadhan
smlm 1st chenta pose tuk thn ni,,tuk ramadhan sedey sgt..dh la xdpt bukk pose gn family ps2 skt ati plk gn housemate..bengang sgt nih...xpe,, at least chenta dpt b'sahor gn family..act,,smlm chenta excited la jugk nk bukk pose gn dorg wat xreti je..memg skt ati la..chenta bli kn mcm2 tuk dorg tp gaye dorg cm sket pn x appreciate ape yg chenta wat..chenta bli pn sbb nk bg dorg epi smbt 1st pose..gpn,,dorg xblk umah xmcm yg chenta bayg kn..dorg wat xreti je..laz2 chenta pn melarikan diri b'buka di rumah mbe yg len..kt cn chenta trasa cm bukk pose kt umah..meriah sgt, xcm bukk pose kt umah sendri..
Isnin, 25 Ogos 2008
loving u from a distance is best 4 me..
Sometimes, in our relentless efforts to find the person we LoVe, we fail to recognize & appreciate the people who LoVe us. . We miss out on so many beautiful things & simply because we allow ourselves to been slaved by our own selfish concerns. Go for the man of deeds & not for the man of words for you will find rewarding happiness not with the man you LoVe but the man who LoVes you more.The best LoVers are those who are capable of LoVing from a distance, far enough to allow the other person to grow, but never too far to feel the LoVe deep within your being.
To let go of someone doesn't mean you have to stop LoVing, it only means that you allow that person to find his own happiness without expecting him to come back. Letting go is not just setting the other person free, but it is also setting yourself free from all bitterness, hatred, & anger that keep in your heart. Do not let the bitterness rare away your strength & weaken your faith & never allow pain to dishearten you, but rather let you grow with wisdom in bearing it. You may found peace in just LoVing someone from a distance not expecting anything in return. But be careful, for this can sustain life but can never give enough room for us to grow.
We can all survive with just beautiful memories of the past but real peace & happiness come only with open acceptance of what reality is today. There comes a time in our lives when we chance upon someone so nice & beautiful and we just find ourselves getting so intensely attracted to that person. This feeling soon become a part of our everyday lives & eventually consumes our thoughts & actions. The sad part of it is when we begin to realize that this person feels nothing more for us than just a friendship. We start our desperate attempt to get noticed & be closer but in the end our efforts are still unrewarded & we end up being sorry for ourselves.
You don't have to forget someone you LoVe. What you need to learn is how to accept the verdict of reality without being bitter or sorry for yourself. Believe me; you would be better off giving that dedication & LoVe to someone more deserving. Don't let your heart run your life, be sensible & let your mind speak for itself.
Listen not only to your feelings but to reason as well. Always remember that if you lose someone today, it means that someone better is coming tomorrow: If you lose LoVe that doesn't mean that you failed in LoVe.
Cry, if you have to, but make it sure that the tears wash away the hurt & the bitterness that the past has left with you. Let go of yesterday & LoVe will find its way back to you & when it does, pray that it may be the LoVe that will stay & last a lifetime.
Jumaat, 22 Ogos 2008
50th Anniversary Gala Dinner
Rabu, 20 Ogos 2008
perjalanan yang panjang..
Bese ye, chenta akn trus kn pemnduan dan kembali m’cri penumpg yg len, yg lbh sesuai mungkin. Tp bezanya kali ni, chenta sekadr idup kn enjin kete dan chenta tetp benti di dpn aizuddin. Tnpa chenta pk tuk tekn minyk n b’lalu pergi. Byk kali chenta cbe, tp chenta xkuat... chenta tetp pk suatu hr nt, die akn sudi m’gisi kerusi kosong di sisi chenta n stuju tuk temni chenta m’neruskn p’gembaraan. chenta msh di situ, dlm kete di hentian yg sm, di hdpn aizuddin menanti dan trus mennti. Myb die slese duduk di kete yg len. Ya, mgkin benr die slesa duduk di kete yg lain.
Bru sekarg chenta sedr, kete chenta dh lme benti di depn aizuddin. Dh 3 thn chenta benti didepn die.. tp die msh lg xsudi.. chenta xtaw mne silp chenta smpi kn sekarg pn die xingin msk kete chenta lg. Mungkin kali ni, chenta harus keluar kete chenta. Dan biar chenta buka kete yg sedg mennti, biar chenta menemni pemndu yg sudi m’pelawa chenta utk naik b’sm. Mungkin chenta xperlu jd pemndu lg. Biar kali ni, chenta duduk di kerusi penumpg, menemani pemandu lain m’nuju ke destinasi…
going to MAHA again
noe wat,,dis is 3rd tym i went to maha dis yr..xpuas laa..da byk lg tmpt yg peg lg..but unfortunately,,,kaki chenta t'seliuh...argh..sakit yer..igt kn maha 2 xda xsgka plk, byk mnde bezz yg ble dpt kt sne..yeah,,nue xperience.memg borong orkid r kt sne.
1st day g sne ri 2,,cm xda pape klo nk dpt byk informatn bole r g sne..tym 2,xda yg menarik sgt..but d 2nd tym,,chenta nk tgk rodeo..pergh..ujan plk lps 2.nk tgk umah warisn pn xsempt.gpn,,chenta t'babas statn 2..lalalalala..sbb nk peg jugk umah warisn,chenta peg la mlm plk.lps beh syg,,byk yg dh tutup cm sia2 je dtg sne..bek achenta lepk tgk buge..tibe2 t'pk,klo la aizudin ad sti 2 cte lme, chenta dh jnji ak nk lpe kn kne bg mse g 3 thn kot tuk btol2 lpe kn die..lalalala.ade ke cm2..xpatot,,
disebbkn ri2 xbli buge...dtg la lg kt maha neh tuk 3rd tym..n hopefully, its d laz tym...dpt la bli 4 pokok orkd yer klo da owg bg buge rose 2.nmpk cm kerts yer tp memg real nih..xcaye lgsg..bkn species yg sme kt umah chenta,,b'puas ati la chenta m'beli belah..habis la 150rm jugk..cair wet chenta dok bli buge je.jpg nk g shoppg agi..xsabo nk blk umah.marah sgt nih gn abg emy..ade ke patot...
Isnin, 18 Ogos 2008

starting a new life
i hv my family n fren who alwz supprt,,nw i'll start a new life wit new strenght..wish me luck..i'll start a new life without continuously waiting u..