Khamis, 30 Oktober 2008

old issue...ok la...

salam pembuka bicara..salam pembuka bicara..

i jz wan 2 share sumthing dat i got from my dear fren, edna bout melamine..cuti xda exam ari 2,
chenta blek umah n xtaw la plak mak chenta ni terlalu concern tentang melamine issue nih.. slame ni chenta xda amek taw sgt.. tp memandang kan mak chenta tersayang ni terlalu concern chenta pn jd takot.. sampai kn nk beli coklat pn kne tengok buatan mane.. nk makan ape pn kne pilih.. so, hv a look.. ngeh~~

China milk poisoning incidents make everyone afraid to look at the daily news report. Everyday, the reports are changing. No one can clearly tell us what to eat and not to eat.

1. What really is poisoned milk?
It is the milk powder mixed with "MELAMINE"

2. What is Melamine use for?
It is an industrial chemical use in the production of melawares.
It is also used in home decoration. "US resistant board"

Do you understand! Melamine is use in industrial production! It cannot be eaten.

3. Why is Melamine added in milk powder?
The most important nutrient in milk is protein. And Melamine has the same protein that contains "nitrogen"
Adding Melamine in milk reduces milk content and it is cheaper then milk so it lowers capitalization.
It can give the business man more profit! It doesn't have any smell, so cannot be detected.

4. when was it discovered?

Year 2007!! US cats and dogs died suddenly, they found that pet food from China contains Melamine. Starting 2008, In China , an abnormal increase in infant cases of kidney stones.
August 2008 China Sanlu Milk Powder tested with Melamine.
Sept. 2008 - New Zealand gov't ask China to check this problem. Sept. 21, 2008 - Lots of food products in Taiwan tested with Melamine

5. What happens when Melamine is digested?
Melamine remains inside the kidney. It forms into stones blocking the tubes. Pain will be eminent and person cannot urinate. Kidney will then swell.
Although surgery can remove the stones, but it will cause irreversible kidney damage. It can lead to loss of kidney function and will require kidney dialysis or lead to death because of uremia.

6. What is dialysis?

In fact, it should be called "blood washing". It is filtering all of the body's blood into a machine and then go back to the body.
The whole process takes 4 hours and it is necessary to dialysis once for every 3 days for the rest of your life.

A small hole is required in the arm to insert the sub-dialysis catheter.

7. Why is it more serious in babies?

Because the kidney is very small and they drink a lot of milk powder. China currenty has 13,000 infants hospitalized
It does not matter how much a human being took Melamine. The important point is "It cannot be EATEN!"

8. What are the foods to be avoided?

Foods that contain dairy products should be avoided. Remember: Foods with creamer or milk should be avoided.

9. which companies are accepted?

Hereunder are the companies affected with Melamine.

10.What do we do next?
Avoid the above foods for at least six months.

If you have snack bar, restaurant or coffee shops, Stop selling dairy products for the meantime.
If you have infants at home, change to mother's milk or find other substitutes.

Finally, share this information with friends so they will understand the risk of milk poisoning.

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2008

sony ericsson W350i vs W580i

salam pembuka bicara.. salam pembuka bicara..

Erk, chenta rase tercabar gan abang amy. Ade ke patot die suruh chenta tukar hp len. “Tu r sombong lagi dengan ira. Mak dah suh dating umah raye ari 2 xnak dating. Meh ira gitau abang satu rahsia. Ira dah beli hp baru la bulan 6 ri tu. Abang tu yang patot tukar hp baru. Ira rase hp abg yang problem.” Ambik ko geram chenta, nasib orang yer xda depan mata. By the way, tiba-tiba chenta teringat plak. Sebenarnya hp idaman chenta bukan hp yang chenta pakai sekarang ni. So, chenta nak compare antara hp idaman chenta, SE W580i dengan hp yang chenta gne sekarang ni,W350i.

W580i ni berat die 94.0 gram. Ade 6 jenis warna: style white, boulevard black, urban grey, metro pink, jungle green and velvet red. Skrin die plak bersaiz 240 x320 pixel dengan 262 144- colour TFT, phone memory die xda la besar sangat just 12 MB dan menggunakan Memory stick Micro (M2). Die support memory up to 4 GB. Camera die 2.0 megapixel dengan digital zoom up to 4x. boleh picture blogging n video record. The most important 1 is music specificity hp ni. Die boleh Bluetooth stereo (A2DP), ada megabass, music tones, PlayNow dan track ID. The special about this model is shake control. Klo nak tukar lagu lain, just shake the phone.

While, W350i plak bersaiz 104.0 x 43.0 x 11.0. berat die 75.0 gram. Ringan je.. ade 6 jenis warna gak : electric black, hypnotic black, ice blue, graphic white, wisteria purple and turbo red. Skrin die plak bersaiz 176 x 220 pixels dengan 262 144-colour TFT. Phone memory plak : 14 MB and guna kan memory stick micro (M2) up to 4 GB. Camera die 1.3-megapixel dengan digital zoom up to 4x dan boleh picture blogging. Cume yang xbez yer, hp ni xboleh wat video record. Music specificity model ni boleh Bluetooth stereo (A2DP), ada megabass, music tones, PlayNow dan track ID. Kelainan model ni adalah die bertema music is first. Die ade media player and walkman player. Kalau x tau tentang wujud yer model ni, orang msti ingatkan die adalah MP3 ke iPod ke.. kelainan tue la wat chenta jatuh cinta pada model ni.

Walaupun, hp yang chenta guna sekarang ini mempunyai saiz screen yang lebih kecil tapi chenta tetap berpuas hati sebab dia lagi ringan dari yang chenta idam Almaklum, x ada benda yang perfect kn2?

kata-kata chomey : SE da kuar model phone baru, usha kat website die je la..

haapy birthday to both of us..

Salam pembuka bicara..salam pembuka bicara..

My cake birthday...

hepi belated besday to chenta n hepi becoming besday to ira

Adds for choc moist cake

thanx buddies 4 dis surprise party
another shot

Isnin, 13 Oktober 2008

21th is coming..

salam pembuka bicara..salam pembuka bicara..

salam aidilfitri..

hari ni msk hari ke13 kte beraye..n hari ni jugak adalah besday chenta..argh,,upe yer ak dh 21 ker.chenta sgt b'syukur kerana diberi peluang utk m'ymbut hari lahir yg ke21..didnt knoe wat wil happen 4 rest of my life but hopefully, it full wit enjoyment n nothing regretless..ngeh~~owg kte,,21 ni ble dpt independent key..but bg chenta slagi chenta blom dimiliki oleh sesiapa, maka d independent key x ada klo dimiliki 2, adakah itu makna yer chenta btoi2 independent?? myb it was right dr segi mengundi tp xbtoi tuk tanggungjwb yg ad.. sbb walaupun sudh dimiliki org, i mean s a wife, chenta kne itot ckp suami. ngeh~~berangan nk kawen.huhu....x salah kn chenta dh 21 maaa....

mlm td chenta m'nunggu seseorg tuk kali yg t'akhir..n mlm td jugk chenta m'beri peluang kehadiran die dlm hidup ni tuk kali terakhir.memandangkan die xcari pn chenta, maka die xkan ada dlm hidup chenta buat selama-lamanya. ada jugk owg ckp, nape la nk tunggu die. tah2 die dh bahagia n tah2 jugk die dh xda..bukn m'doakan tp itu adalh andaian setelah 3 thn kami b'pisah..erk, b'pisah??sedih yer buyi..chenta yakin klo suatu hari nt chenta b'jmpe dgn my soulmate, chenta akan lupe kn die. iye,,xtipu??

women is talkative?? btoi ker..nape ea owg slalo pk cm2..n i gues, sebenar yer perempuan ni xtalkative pn. kami ni nmpk cm byk ckp sbb setiap kali b'bicara tentang topik yg kami suka atau topik yg selalu menarik perhatian, masing2 x sabar2 nk keluarkan pendapat sendiri. tp kenapa plk, lelaki dikatakan xbyk ckp..cube klo bg lelaki bercakp tentg bola, kereta atau motor ke.rse yer dorg lg byk ckp dr perempuan. n chenta jugak tidak menidakkan ad 1 research yg m'nyatakan perempuan berckp lebih beribu perkataan dr lelaki sbb bile perempuan bercakap masing2 nk m'geluarkan pendapat sendiri. mcm xsabar2 la plk..ngeh~~ tp chenta pernh t'bace dlm 1 artikel, klo lelaki b'ckp, dorg akn tunggu turn masing2...habis jer sorang ckp, bru sorg lg sambung.. sbb bg dorg adalah xsopan klo xtunggu org lain habis berckp.. so,,kre yer di mate lelaki cara perempuan b'borak ni xsopan la.. aik, btoi ke??ini bukn kenyataan dr chenta kenyataan dr artikel 2..ei,,xnk gaku la plk..

apa pun bg chenta, setiap owg mempunyai pandangan yg t'sendiri dr segi sape yg lbh byk ckp..pada chenta, kami xtalkative. sbb ape? sbb itu la cara kami berborak..n kadang2 sbb cara ni la yg buat,,semua orang rse die nk menang..lalalala. fight 4 ur right.yeah..

women n career??on dis issue chenta rse yer skang ni ramai perepuan yg ckp, 'ak bole hidup tanpa lelaki sbb ak dh memiliki segala2 yer..' ya,segala2 yer..klo cm2,,chenta rse rmi jugk lelaki yg m'punyai segala2 yer..n klo boleh dikatakan, dorang pn bole ckp ak bole hidup tanpa perempuan right. bagi chenta,,walaupun chenta dah memiliki segala-galanya, chenta tetap rase adalah kewajipan utk memiliki seorang lelaki dalam hidup ni. kenapa?? sebab chenta mungkin merasa mewah dr segala harta benda tp belom tentu chenta merasa security 2 ad dlm hidup chenta. buktinya, weekend yg lepas chenta beraye ke megat di gombak. kami pergi dengan 2 biji kereta n 1 motosikal yg mane 1 kereta perempuan n 1 lg kereta lelaki tym perjalann pergi. seronok sbb ktorg boleh memekak n menyanyi dalam kereta. yela x ad owg lelaki nk m'negur..hiks. tp kami semua rase xselamat sbb perjlnn ke rumah megat 2, jln die b'bukit2 n traffic jam yg t'amat la teruk sgt. kereta 2 kali mati kt tengh jln n setiap kali kt bukit, kereta sgt slow.. dh la kami pinjm kereta kawan, klo pape jd xtaw la nk ckp..memg cuak la..lgpn,,ktorg sume selalu xlepas ble nk naik bukit.ngeh~~

bila nak balik, kami mintk guy yg tolong bwk. at last, mursyid la yg bwk kereta 2. ok je, die bwk..xda pape prob pn..n yg plg menarik perhatian chenta, kereta yg ktorg naik 2 cm da prob sket, so, die lambt nk pick up..kt ats bukit jugk, kereta 2 cm mati enjin. tp dengan steady yer, mursyid tarik hand brek n mule kn perjlnn mcm bese. sikit pn xmengelabah. waktu ni memg chenta rase utk melengkapkan lg kehidupan sebenar yer perempuan n lelaki ni memang saling memerlukan. dlm hal cm ni,,memg chenta salute la kt owg laki. lalalala... bukti nape lelaki perlukn perempuan?? chenta xbrani nk ckp panjg lebar sbb chenta bukn lelaki n chenta xtaw ape yg lelaki rase. tp hakikat yer memg byk dlm kehidupan kte dpt lihat ramai lelaki yg dh b'kahwin nk kawen lg n lelaki yg kehilangan isteri pn nk b'khwin lg..mungkin sbb lelaki xberapa pandai tuk independent n segala makan n pakai perlu disediakan. exception tuk lelaki yg pernah merasa hidup sendiri la..hiks

kata-kata comel : chenta nk tggu kek besday dr mak n ayah. celebr8 besday gn amar, my bro.ngeh~~

Ahad, 12 Oktober 2008

buat chenta berfikir sejenak..

- Based on mutual co-operation.
- Free from “Riba” (interest), uncertainty and gambling.
- Investment comply with Shariah.
- Full isolation between the Takaful Fund and shareholders’ funds.
- Any surplus in the Takaful Fund will be shared by the Participants.
- Is a risk sharing tool across the Takaful Fund.

Conventional Insurance
- Based solely on commercial factors (a type of business).
- Includes elements of interest, uncertainty and gambling.
- No religious guidance.
- Premium paid by policyholder is considered as income to the company.
- All surpluses will accrue to the shareholders only.
- Is a risk shifting tool.

juz find out this..

Selasa, 7 Oktober 2008

rindu itu

salam pembuka bicara..salam pembuka bicara..

salam aidilfitri..

aidilfitri datang lg..tetiba chenta teringat sangat pada seorang kawan yang dh kembali ke rahmatullah disebabkan luekimia. antara perkara yang paling2 chenta t'kilan sangat dalam hidup ni sbb chenta xsempat nk tgk die, chenta xsempat nk melawat die walaupun mak dan ayah dah pesan banyak kali pada chenta. dia la kawan pertama chenta dlm hidup ni. chenta rindukan die..dan antara perkara lain yang plg chenta kesali adalah chenta orang yg terakhir sekali yg tau arwah moyang perempuan chenta kembali ke rahmatullah waktu 2 chenta baru form 4. chenta tau yang moyang dh takda pada keesokkan harinya. waktu 2 chenta tinggal kt asrama..dua2 kehilangan insan ni memberi makna yang sgt mendalam hidup chenta. kadang2 rase rindu yg teramat sgt..